Nature Photography by Martin Ryer

Monthly Archives: December 2018

Thank you to all of my followers for your support! What a whirlwind of a year this has been! I am so lucky, on so many different levels. I can’t even begin to contemplate my good fortune and the incredible things I was able to experience this year and share with others. Three things do stand out though – spending a couple weeks touring through the Great Bear Rainforest in May, paddling… Read More

I made a trade with my friend and author Paula Wild, my 2019 calendar in exchange for another copy of her new book! It’s perhaps a coincidence that Ian McAllister is quoted on the front of Paula’s book and that this year I am supporting Ian and Pacific Wild, with 100% of profits from my calendar sales going to support the important work Pacific Wild is doing!

The winds and waves weren’t as profound as forecasted but what weather forecast is ever truly accurate? When the conditions are right, the winter months make for some exciting storm watching in Ucluelet.  It’s easy to become distracted while balancing on slippery and jagged rocks, surrounded by 4-5 meter breaking waves and being knee high in the ocean. Always stay true to the composition, no matter what!