Nature Photography by Martin Ryer


Susan Conrads new book

It was an Eagle that first inspired my true journey as a photographer. Every so often, I get reminded of that initial inspiration.

A few months back, I mentioned how I was collaborating with documentary filmmaker Paul Novy from Iceberg Films – about a documentary film to showcase the relationships between nature and photography. We got started on that but there’s been a change of plans. For now, we’ve decided to shelve that effort. We will re visit it, in the future maybe. Due to the excitement and immediate feedback surrounding “Lord of the Forest” we… Read More

Someone told me recently that their little boy still has my Bear calendar from a few years ago hanging up on his wall. Apparently the images captured his imagination and he hopes to see Bears when he gets older. That’s pretty neat! You just never know what will happen after you press the shutter and how a picture may change the trajectory of someone else’s life or what it may inspire them… Read More